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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Student slaves to loans

I agree with you completely to me it is depressing to think about having to go to school then getting a job and spending who knows how much time just working to play off the loans that accumulated during school. It not something people can look forward too and that probable adds to the low graduation rate.

Your argument is very simple and straight forward and completely right. Even though college students might have to eventually get a loan after doing a smart move and going to a community college I think it feels better to know that you are at least playing back less then if you would of just started in a four year college. Meaning that you can get to making money and living your life after college, instead of making money for paying off your college.

I like that you not only use data to support your argument but also use personals experience and a personal solution which in my mind too is a good one. I find that it is pretty insane that college is only getting harder to attain for most people yet the state of Texas and many other want to keep cutting college student aid and other things that would help college students get a degree. It not right to feel like slaves just working to pay off loans.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Higher proposed math standers

When I saw the title of this article New Math Standards Get Blowback from Business Community
I was really happy I though to my self yes Texas is going to raise there math standers. This is a good thing for every one despite what k-12 might say. I really think that math is a curriculum that many people that I have known struggle with, most of my friends and even my cousin have said that there worst subject is math. I feel like that not right, math is used for so much in most workplaces. Maybe not as much if you are going into the arts, but even then you still need to know how to do your taxes and how to pay the bills.
So higher math standers it a good thing but as the article explains that the proposed standers by the Texas state board of education might even be lower then the standers we have now. I really don’t understand what just happen on that one. Texas is one of the five states that has not adopted the national common core curriculum standards, and instead opted to create its on standers thinking that we can create a more personal and greater stander for math and other subjects. That I don’t have any problem with, what right for others might not be right for you so I don’t see why you cant create standers that are right for your people. But what I do have a problem with is the fact that the standers they crate are critically lacking in math. What creating your own standers brings to my mind are privet schools, they usually make those things harder to give a challenge. Its not good for anyone to make lower remedial standers. Having people who are being taught in lower standers does not help those people compete for jobs, does not help them go further then the previous generation. Lower standers in education are likely to lead to lower standers in every other field.
I agree with stopping this proposal and with what the business community is saying.

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